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Popular Questions

Is WMT canceled due to COVID-19?

For safety reasons, we had to adapt ourselves and to cancel all public events that normally constitute the backbone of Wallifornia MusicTech. Yet COVID-19 was also a good motivation for us to innovate and do things differently. In 2020, we will experience a virtual-based program and remote events for maximum creativity. So No, WMT is not cancelled in 2020.

Will Les Ardentes be organsied in 2020?

Unfortunately, not. As for other music festivals across the globe, Les Ardentes 2020 had to reschedule in 2021.

Price and Ticketing

All informations about price and ticketing here

What is the Wallifornia MusicTech

Wallifornia is a sunny MusicTech and Gaming hub based in Belgium, where entrepreneurs, startups, developers, mentors, investors, artists, labels, agents, concerts and festivals organizers develop the future of the Music Industry.

Once a year, to kick-off the music festival Les Ardentes, Wallifornia gathers 300+ tech, music and investment professionals around keynotes, panel, hackathon, pitch sessions, matchmaking sessions acceleration program, lab demos, performances and, of course, epic parties.

During Les Ardentes, Wallifornia is also THE place to be for gamers. The 100.000+ attendees are welcome in the gaming zone to shine challenging each others !

Why does LES ARDENTES welcome the Wallifornia MusicTech ?

LES ARDENTES is a music festival with 100.000+ attendees. The goal of the festival is to offer other experiences than music concerts. As part of this goal, the Wallifornia MusicTech will offer an entire park dedicated to e-gaming inside the festival. In this zone, the attendees can discover the future of innovative technology, especially in the music field, but not only.

During Les Ardentes, Wallifornia is also THE place to be for gamers. The 100.000+ attendees are welcome in the gaming zone to shine challenging each others !

Can the attendees of LES ARDENTES gain access to the Wallifornia MusicTech ?

YES ! The Wallifornia MusicTech will present an entire park inside the festival for the attendees with demonstrations and a gaming zone, just for them. However, a ticket for LES ARDENTES does not include an entry to the other events.

What is a MusicTech event ?

A MusicTech event is a meeting between the professionals of the music industry (entrepreneurs, investors, start-ups,…) with an emphasis on technological innovation in the industry. They discuss and exchange together, about the future of the field. It’s the perfect occasion to meet new people also passionate about music and technology, and possibly new friends !


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Who can participate to the Wallifornia MusicTech ?

Everybody is welcome to join us at the Wallifornia MusicTech. The event is a big meeting between everyone who is related to the world of MusicTech. The first days are more dedicated to the professionals of the fields, while the following days, during LES ARDENTES, are more for curious individuals. So, if you’re a hacker, a programmer, a manager, a festival/concert organizer, don’t hesitate to take part in our “Acceleration Week”. If you’re a MusicTech enthusiast, come to LES ARDENTES and join us in our park.

Wallifornia MusicTech

Wallifornia is a sunny MusicTech, e-SportTech and Gaming hub based in Belgium where entrepreneurs, startups, mentors, investors, artists, labels, agents, concerts and festivals organizers develop the future of the Music and the e-sport Industries @LesArdentes 07/07 > 09/07/20

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