About The Speaker
Tuhin Roy
Tuhin is leading UMG's efforts to support a robust eco-system of early stage digital media companies. As part of this effort, last Fall, he designed and launched for UMG the UMG Accelerator Engagement Network which is building partnerships with accelerators around the world to foster a new generation of digital media companies. Current Accelerator Network partners are located in New York, Belgium, Berlin, Seoul, Taipei, Beijing and Shanghai with new partners being added regularly. Tuhin has also been closely involved with the development of a new form of innovation license that enables early stage companies to launch products legally with a minimum of process for both UMG and the entrepreneurs involved. Tuhin recently assisted Capitol Records senior management in launching Capitol360, a new innovation center based at the legendary Capitol Studios in Hollywood, California. Beyond his work with the early-stage eco-system, Tuhin is negotiating new model deals involving data-driven A&R, crowd-sourced remixes, influencer-based UGC video services and next generation subscription music services. Finally, Tuhin has been involved in a number of Vivendi working groups including serving as UMG's representative to the Vivendi Geek Squad.