About The Speaker

Frédéric Martel
Frédéric Martel is an academic, journalist and a New York Times bestseller author. As an academic, Martel is a (tenure) professor of creative economies at Zurich University for the Arts (ZHdK). He is currently the director of the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE/ZHdK). He has been researcher fellow at the CERI, Center for International Studies, at Sciences Po-Paris and advised the European Commission as a member of “New Narrative for Europe”, the cultural task force of the former UE president. Martel has a PhD in Social science and four master degrees in Law, Political science, Philosophy, and Social science. He has been a visiting scholar at Harvard and taught at Sciences Po-Paris, ESSEC and at the HEC's MBA. He has been invited as a key note speaker in dozens of universities around the world. He is the author of eleven books, including On Culture in America (Gallimard, 2006) and three international best-sellers Mainstream : On the Global War on Culture and Medias (Flammarion, 2010 ; translated in 12 languages) ; Smart, On the internets (Stock, 2014 ; translated in 10 languages) and Sodoma/In the Closet of the Vatican (Robert Laffont, 2019 ; translated in 20+ languages and a New York Times best-seller). As a journalist, Frédéric Martel is the producer and anchor man of the weekly radio program « Soft Power » on French National Public Radio (France Culture/Radio France) and the Foreign Affairs Columnist for Slate.fr.