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Wallifornia organizes each year several summits (online or in Belgium) to gather the global entertainment ecosystem (Music / Sports / Esports / Gaming). We provide the most inspirational talks on innovation for startups, professionals and investors.

Our speakers are usually experienced professionals, entrepreneurs, successful investors and visionary artists/influencers sharing their experiences.

During those summits, you will also discover the best TECH startups in the field during our Accelerators Demo Days and meet your peers during premium and exclusive meetups (Ecosystems, investors, artists, influencers, etc.)

Get inspired

Previous editions Speakers

Co-Founder & VP MusicTech Germany | Co-Founder Innovation Bridge Europe

Research Coordinator PXL-Music|Musician

Josh Greenberg
Green Mountain Lodge IVS Founder

Amazon Music / Head of Music Publishing (ex-Americas)

Partner & Managing Director at Stadia Ventures

Co-Founder/ Head of Strategy at AI Music

Musical editor and coordinator, Moustique

CEO of Whiise, Academic, Musician

Head of Architecture and Innovation @SACEM

Slush Music, Co-founder & Content Director

Movement Builder | Head of Community | ImpactTech Advocate | Author | Startup & Accelerator Coachs

CEO Musimap

Managing Partner at Plus Eight Capital Management LLC

Network Development WIN - Worldwide Independent Network

Sports consultant

Research Director at DATA SIM / Research Group of SIM São Paulo / Director of Sonar Cultural

Founder and CEO at Fancam

Coordinator & Curator at KIKK Festival

Founder at Endlesss


Amazing Partners & Sponsors