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>Thierry Gieseler

About The Speaker

Thierry Gieseler

Thierry Gieseler helps executives, academics, experts and innovators bring their ideas to the world in clear, exciting and lasting presentations. They are pivotal to leading corporate change, triggering collaboration, activating sales networks, or getting projects funded. His mission is to ease the preparation and increase the power of the presentation with discoveries from scientific psychology. His clients reach their audience using insights from research on charisma, attention, memorization, leadership, persuasion, emotional intelligence, storytelling and visual design. Bringing scientific answers to ease the everyday struggle and live happier, better life has always been is Thierry's focus. In 1995, he graduated in experimental psychology at UCLouvain, one of the top-rated departments in Europe. He first designed behaviour change programmes promoting environmental sustainability and better driver training programmes, as a research assistant. He then gained business experience working for 10 years in global companies, as a manager responsible for the systems and production of some of the largest market research surveys of the world. During that period, he experienced every presentation challenge his client face today. He had to educate client, support sales team, pitch innovation, lead changes and give inspiring talks to launch new collaborations. As a result, he brings a very pragmatic and realistic approach to his clients today.