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>Alexandre Saboundjian

About The Speaker

Alexandre Saboundjian

Founder of AudioValley SA, Radionomy SA, MusicMatic France SAS and Radionomy Group BV, Alexandre Saboundjian is an entrepreneur and businessperson who has been at the helm of 11 different companies and currently occupies the position of Chairman & Managing Director at AudioValley SA, Chairman & Managing Director at Winamp SA, Managing Director & Director at Maxximum Group SA, Managing Director & Director at Maxximum SA, Chief Executive Officer & Director-Publication at MusicMatic France SAS, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of JAMENDO SA, Chairman, CEO, CFO & Secretary at Radionomy, Inc., Managing Director & Director at Radionomy SA, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Radionomy Group BV and President, CEO, Treasurer & Secretary at TargetSpot, Inc. (which are all subsidiaries of MusicMatic France SAS) and Managing Director at MusicMatic Deutschland GmbH. Mr. Saboundjian is also on the board of Storever SA and Storever Media España SL. AudioValley is a leader & pioneer in the digital audio revolution with an extensive know-how covering the entire digital audio industry. The group has an impressive brand heritage with high-end products and services ranging from the production and monetization of digital radio and podcasts (Targetspot), music licensing (Jamendo) and in-store digital audio marketing (Storever), to the creation, streaming and hosting of online radio (Radionomy & Shoutcast) and the famous multiplatform media player (Winamp).