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>News >Hackathon : How to design a seamless and safer user journey for and with event attendees?

Hackathon : How to design a seamless and safer user journey for and with event attendees?

Open Minds & Experts Wanted!

Wallifornia MusicTech is glad to host an IDEATION challenge dedicated to INNOVATION IN EVENT SAFETY. During WALLIFORNIA MUSICTECH HACKATHON starting on July 2nd in Liège, we will have the change to bring together groups of forward-looking cross-sectorial experts to answer this question: How to design a seamless & safer user journey for & with event attendees?

Event organisers, safety professionals, developers, mobility experts, join a 3 days immersive iniatiative with participants from PRODISS, EAA, Smart City Institute ! For more information about the program and how to participate, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

This session is part of SAFE+ European initiative supported by the European Commission. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.