1st Wallifornia MusicTech Festival (Belgium) has been a success
AUGUST 9th, Liège, Belgium
The first edition of the Belgian « Wallifornia MusicTech » Festival has been a great success.
Launched in march, this new initiative was aimed to create a Musictech hub and to foster new experiences in the field of music and technology in Belgium. Organized by Les Ardentes Music festival, KIKK Festival, Théâtre de Liège and GOTORO ( Startup weekend, Tedx Liège,… ), the festival was also supported by LeanSquare, a VC specialized in MusicTech ( Musimap, HLO PlayGround, etc. ).
The first week of July 2017, during the Urban Music Festival Les Ardentes (80.000 attendees), many MusicTech-related events were organized: a 1-week start-up accelerator program, a hackathon, a trade show, a Teen Hack Lab (w/ Music Tech Fest), 4 panels, 4 keynotes, etc.
Everything happening with Placebo, Liam Gallagher, Sean Paul, Mac Miller, DJ Snake and LP amongst other performing live in the background.
Wallifornia MusicTech draw a positive picture for this first year.
MusicTech Actors (Industry Experts, VC’s, Start-ups, Artists, Engineers, Professors, Etc.) from more than 20 Countries have accepted the invitation. The 8 panels ( on copyrights, Hottest Topics in MusicTech, MusicTech&VR, MusicTech& fundraising ) and keynotes (Ted Cohen, Jacques, Michela Magas and Vincent Favrat) that happened during the festival, the startup garden exhibition and experience, the gaming zone, the play of Theater of Liège (“BlockBuster”) and the 24h hackathon gathered all together 2000 people/day during 4 days in “Les Halles des Foires de Coronmeuse” (HF6) in Liège, Belgium during Les Ardentes Festival (6th to 9th of july).
Gérome Vanherf, the main organizer said: “We have counted around 2.000 people a day in the HF6, dedicated to innovation, while the Wallifornia Park, that focused on creativity, was full all the time. 10 international start-up (Scotland, Brazil, India, Spain, Germany, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Etc.) took part to the Accelerator Program, Jacques’s keynote attracted 500 people while we counted 1200 people for the 4 representations of the play « BlockBuster ». This success have definitely encourage us to continue with the concept, during Les Ardentes but also through the year. The idea is to create a referent MusicTech Hub in Europe, at a mid-term perspective. »
Gianfranco Cecollini, CEO of MOD Devices, winner of the Startup Acceleratior Program, was very happy to be present for this first edition : “For us, while we are closing a fundraising around 500k € , we came to understand better the trends within the Musictech sector, meet people and create opportunities. We went back with a prize (2000€), but also with potential investors and new partners. We especially appreciated workshop on financing funding advices and the opportunity to exhibit in the startup garden. We want to collaborate in the future to the emergence of this community and create new opportunities in Belgium. “
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Gérôme VANHERF, co-founder Wallifornia MusicTech : [email protected] / +32 498 02 62 66 / Linkedin / Twitter
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