About The Speaker
Frederic Garroy
Frederic has been working more than 20 years in the media and entertainment industry and has a strong experience in live production. In 1996, he joined EVS (evs.com) when still in its early stage and was key in developing the sales and promoting EVS technology worldwide including a strong presence at major sports events. In 1998, Frederic moved to New York and became the Senior VP for The Americas. He contributed to the development of the EVS presence in North and South America and positioned EVS as the world wide leader for live production. Frederic has received several TV EMMY Awards in recognition for his contribution to several Olympic Games. After leaving his position at EVS, he continued to be active in live production through his role at PRG-VER and also started a took part in the creation of half a dozen start ups in the same industry. Frederic holds a Business Science degree in International Management form the University of Liege, Belgium. And most recently has joined forces with Noshaq and start an Investment Fund, Wisebull, dedicated to the Media & Entertainment industry.