This Wednesday, LeanSquare was hosting the “investor summit” segment of Wallifornia Music Tech. More than thirty investors and ecosystems actors of the music world, coming from Belgium, but also from the USA, Israel, Scandinavia, Canada, … converged to Liège to discuss the future of music.
Among the sharpest minds in the music business, like Scott Cohen (The Orchard, pionneer in digital music), Benji Rogers (visionary in blockchain and music), Ted Cohen (ex-EMI Digital), Trond Tornes (Phonophile), Richard Burgess (CEO A2IM), Pieter van Rijn (CEO of FUGA)…
After some reassuring words (“music business is still huge, and growing”), they had a debate on key issues for every entrepreneur & investor in the field, such as changing business models, rights management, or the “value gap” (the huge difference in artist earnings depending on the platform, and the streaming mode between YouTube, Spotify, Apple, others,… ).
An interactive debate was held as a “World Café”, allowing everyone to meet, and every voice to be heard.
As a conclusion, Pascale Delcomminette (CEO of Wallonia Foreign Trade & Investment agency) came to explain the attractiveness of Wallonia for innovative projects, especially digital (Digital Wallonia plan).
A wonderful afternoon of interactions, ahead of WMT’s Pro convention, starting this Thursday on the grounds of Les Ardentes, and looking even more promising.
French version below
Ce mercredi, LeanSquare accueillait la partie “Investor Summit” du Wallifornia Music Tech. Plus d’une trentaine d’investisseurs et d’acteurs de l’écosystème musical, venus de Belgique, mais également des Etats-Unis, d’Israël, de Scandinavie, du Canada,… ont convergé sur Liège pour discuter du futur de la musique.
Des personnalités extrèmement pointues, comme Scott Cohen (The Orchard, pionnier de la musique numérique ), Benji Rogers (très en pointe sur les questions de blockchain et musique), Ted Cohen (ex-EMI Digital), Trond Tornes (Phonophile), Richard Burgess (CEO de l’A2IM), Pieter van Rijn (CEO de FUGA)
Après avoir rassuré sur la santé du secteur (“la musique va bien, et est en croissance”), ils ont abordé des questions clés pour tout entrepreneur et investisseur dans le domaine, comme le “value gap” (l’écart énorme de rémunération d’un artiste entre YouTube, Spotify, ou Apple), business models changeants, questions de droits d’auteurs,
En finale, Pascale Delcomminette, patronne de l’AWEX, est venue leur expliquer l’attractivité de la Wallonie pour les projets innovants, en particulier digitaux. (Digital Wallonia).
Une belle après-midi d’échange, en prélude à la convention “Pro” de WMT, qui démarre ce jeudi sur le site des Ardentes, et qui s’annonce encore plus riche.
Investor Summit: a promising moment for music business
This Wednesday, LeanSquare was hosting the “investor summit” segment of Wallifornia Music Tech. More than thirty investors and ecosystems actors of the music world, coming from Belgium, but also from the USA, Israel, Scandinavia, Canada, … converged to Liège to discuss the future of music. Among the sharpest minds in the music business, like Scott Cohen (The Orchard, pionneer in digital music), Benji Rogers (visionary in blockchain and music), Ted Cohen (ex-EMI Digital), Trond Tornes (Phonophile), Richard Burgess (CEO A2IM), Pieter
10 start-up selected for WMT Acceleration Program 2018
Our acceleration program has its 10 Laureates ! The program will start in Liège before the convention [27th june – 6th July] ! Congratulations to all of them! The lucky 10 laureates will be receiving 10 days of coaching in Liège (Belgium) with invest fund VC LeanSquare in order to set up the best investing proposal, learn from peers and experts of the sector. This year, Universal Music Group is part of the program. through its recently announced UMG Accelerator Engagement Network. Representatives from UMG
Open calls for Wallifornia MusicTech 2018
BE PART OF WALLIFORNIA MUSICTECH 2018! All activities / Tickets / Contact ABOUT WALLIFORNIA MUSICTECH Wallifornia MusicTech is a conference that gathers, each year, the international musictech industry, on the same week and the same place than Urban Music Festival Les Ardentes (80.000 festival-goers). Wallifornia MusicTech aims to promote music and new technologies by bringing together artists, labels, agents, festival organizers, musictech start-up, researchers, key players of the music industry and investors. More than bringing music and technologies to the public, Wallifornia MusicTech wants to help companies in the field to develop and
AGENDA – What’s new?!
Workshops, performances, talks,
1st Wallifornia MusicTech Festival (Belgium) has been a success
AUGUST 9th, Liège, Belgium The first edition of the Belgian « Wallifornia MusicTech » Festival has been a great success. Launched in march, this new initiative was aimed to create a Musictech hub and to foster new experiences in the field of music and technology in Belgium. Organized by Les Ardentes Music festival, KIKK Festival, Théâtre de Liège and GOTORO ( Startup weekend, Tedx Liège,… ), the festival was also supported by LeanSquare, a VC specialized in MusicTech ( Musimap, HLO PlayGround,
Call for 38 MusicTech Start-up for Wallifornia MusicTech
Are you launching a start-up in the creative industry and more specifically in MusicTech? Are you dreaming of meeting other cutting-edge start-up in the MusicTech? Of presenting your project in front of a panel of investors? Of exchanging with high-level mentors and experts? Of meeting leaders in the technology and music As a part of the Wallifornia Music Tech, organized by Les Ardentes, Kikk Festival, Le Projet Impact and Gotoro, we are looking for 30 start-up to join us during the
Appel à projet – Wallifornia MusicTech est à la recherche de 38 start-up
Vous lancez une start-up active dans l’industrie créative et plus précisément les MusicTech ? Vous rêvez de rencontrer les start-up à la pointe du secteur ? De présenter votre projet devant des investisseurs internationaux reconnus ? D’échanger avec des mentors et experts de haut niveau ? De rencontrer les leaders dans les secteurs technologiques et de la musique? Dans le cadre du vaste programme Wallifornia MusicTech développé par le festival de musique Les Ardentes, Le Kikk Festival, Le projet Impact et l’ASBL Gotoro,